Nadia Karisa
1 min readJun 6, 2021


A boring introduction about me!

Hi, welcome to my page :)

I am not a native English speaker for the record, so before you are going too far with this page, I hope you can understand if there are grammar mistakes here and there. I still can’t afford Grammarly yet, so it is still based on my basic knowledge of what I learned formally in school and what the app can offer with my free subscription!

I had been born in Indonesia and lives my childhood and my teen years in Jakarta before I moved to Bandung for college and South Korea for grad school. My 20s had been fun, or so I think based on my standard. I experienced lots of cool and fun things and so far I am in this cool healthcare company where I can actually explore what I had been learning in school!

So this is it for my first medium post :) not yet a heavy subject I know (and I might treat this space to talk about something in a more fun way), but I hope whoever you are, can enjoy it!

Much love,




Nadia Karisa

A Scientist turned Quality Assurance professional